De janvier à mai, les exportations de noix de cajou brutes de Côte d’Ivoire ont augmenté de 5% par rapport à début 2021, pour atteindre 439 941 tonnes (t), indique le spécialiste n’kalo dans sa dernière revue de...
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The latest news from the African cashew industry.
These kidney-shaped seeds are sourced from cashew trees, which grow in warm climates. Cashews are rich in nutrients and beneficial plant compounds, making them easy to add to many dishes. Like many other nuts, cashew nuts are...
On pourrait penser que la baisse du pouvoir d’achat, l’inflation et les difficultés économiques ont ralenti la demande de cajou en Europe. Ce n’est pas le cas. Sur le 1er trimestre 2022, les importations d’amandes de cajou en Europe et au Royaume Uni sont...
In its 3rd phase, the project wants to consolidate the achievements, upgrade and reinforce the capacity of local actors and transfer knowledge to partners and target groups. In this context, Market-Oriented Value Chains for Jobs & Growth in the ECOWAS Region (MOVE), with support from ACA, introduced the “Master...
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In its 3rd phase, the project wants to consolidate the achievements, upgrade and reinforce the capacity of local actors and transfer knowledge to partners and target groups. In this context, Market-Oriented Value Chains for Jobs & Growth in the ECOWAS Region (MOVE), with support from ACA, introduced the “Master...
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In its 3rd phase, the project wants to consolidate the achievements, upgrade and reinforce the capacity of local actors and transfer knowledge to partners and target groups. In this context, Market-Oriented Value Chains for Jobs & Growth in the ECOWAS Region (MOVE), with support from ACA, introduced the “Master...
read moreLe gouvernement ivoirien a donné hier des précisions sur son Projet des chaînes des valeurs compétitives pour l’emploi et la transformation économique (PCCET) lancé début...
read moreAu Bénin, en conseil des ministres hier, deux agréments d’investissements ont été accordés à...lire la suite
The cashew industry is one of the most promising sub-sectors in agriculture. But Africa which grows most of the world’s raw cashews is missing out on a wealth of opportunities offered by the booming global demand. Analysts attribute this to...
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